RYA Yachtmaster Theory

Essential course to gain all the theory and navigation knowledge prior to your Yachtmaster Exam


Classroom x 6 days €699 or Online for €399

5 days Plus day for exams or Online

All Practice Charts, plotter and Handbook provided

Difficulty: Intermediate to Advanced

RYA Yachtmaster Theory Overview

Essential course of those looking to complete the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Coastal or Offshore exams.

Pre experience required

You should have a basic understanding to Dayskipper level

Course includes

Certificate, handbook, plotter, dividers, Practice charts, Training Almanac, handbook

Classroom Course

This is held in Marina Vela near our boats, which is ideal so we can include the practical knowledge on safety equipment, engines as well as all the theory

Course numbers

We limit our numbers on the courses to a maximum of 6 persons to ensure you have plenty of time and support from the instructor

  • position fixing
  • course shaping and plotting
  • tidal knowledge
  • use of almanacs and admiralty publications
  • electronic position finding equipment
  • taking and interpreting forecasts
  • plotting weather systems
  • weather predictions using a barometer and by observation
  • collision regulations
  • customs and excise regulations for cruising abroad

Is the Yachtmaster tidal if run in Barcelona?

When you complete the Yachtmaster it is for Tidal and Non Tidal waters so it is very important to go through the theory of tidal calculations for height, rate and secondary ports.

If completing it online can I do the exams from home??

Yes, but if you want to use the Yachtmaster for commercial use then you need to sit the exams with us, or you nearest RYA training centre

Is online or classroom better?

It is a personal choice but normally the classroom is better as you can interact with the instructor and go through the charts together, the exercises you will then do in the classroom and go through with the instructor and learn from your mistakes.

  • 2HB Pencils, rubbers and pencil sharpener
  • Lunch money or packed lunch, there are plenty of local places to get a bite
  • Note pad or IPAD

BOOK! Our next classroom Course

Don’t see any dates to suit, please email us!

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BOOK! Online course, just select nearest date

As soon as you book we will send you access to the Course

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star rating  Exceptional group of sailers as well as great people! It was a pleasurable sunset cruise on a vessel that had plenty of space for everyone.

October 29, 2019

star rating  We where very lucky to have good wind and lots of sun. Faith was a great skipper with interesting stories (don't trust routine) and we loved swimming behind the boat!

August 19, 2021

star rating  Hi, My daughter and I have just concluded our 2 day RYA Powerboat level 2 course with Barcelona Watersports. We had Faith as our instructor. Was a Fab experience,... read more

August 1, 2020